I was listening to a Lingthusiasm episode on the linguistics of emotions , and the bit about how bilingual people process emotions stood out to me. A few months ago, I had an epiphany that how I feel and what language I write in are deeply intertwined. My journal entries in English are more businesslike, reflecting on things I should and should not do and planning my life. The tone is more of a to-do list meets pep talk to self. When I journal in Marathi on the other hand, my thoughts are more meandering and laid-back. I came to the conclusion that the stage of life I learned these languages at and the contexts of use have trained me to access my thoughts differently in the two languages. It's so cool to encounter actual data that relates to my experience! I had not considered the effect of how emotion space is mapped in different languages on what context-language pairings people lean towards in practice. In the podcast, they discussed an example of a Russian-sp...